Tickless Natural Flea & Tick Repellent for Dogs – Marigold


Tickless Mini Dog – Is a Chemical Free, Ultrasonic, Natural Flea & Tick Repellent for cats, dogs, and other lovable furry animals. Cutting edge design, with all-inclusive protection for even the smallest pets in or out of the city. By fastening the easy-to-use, tiny rechargeable device onto your pet’s collar, parasites can be kept away for at least 12 months after activation, leaving your pet free to enjoy nature. Latest field studies conclude that the device is 94% efficient against ticks without using any dangerous chemicals! The device emits ultrasonic pulses that are safe for people and pets but interfere with the ability of the parasites to orient themselves, thus keeping them away from your pet. The device is primarily intended for preventive purposes and can be combined with other tick repellent products in heavily infested areas.


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