Restorying Young Adult Literature – (Principles in Practice) by James Joshua Coleman & Autumn A Griffin & Ebony Elizabeth Thomas (Paperback)


Book Synopsis

The digital era presents countless opportunities to read, write, and interpret young adult literature through a contemporary lens. Building upon NCTE’s 2018 Preparing Teachers with Knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature position statement, the authors of this book spotlight how teachers and students can use digital tools and technologies to re-read, re-write, and restory young adult literature today. This book offers:

  • Teaching approaches to integrate shifts in textuality in the ELA classroom;
  • Helpful resources for using participatory digital networks in classrooms; and
  • Strategies for restorying text selection with an eye toward multimodality, digital access, cultural diversity, and social justice.

The authors propose digital young adult literature and digital young adult culture as conceptual tools from which teachers can learn effective digital restorying practices. The result is young adult literature instruction that is more engaging and just.

Review Quotes

Winner of the 2024 Divergent Publication Award for Excellence in Literacy in a Digital Age Research (Initiative for Literacy in a Digital Age).

About the Author

James Joshua (Josh) Coleman is an assistant professor of English education at the University of Iowa. A former high school teacher, his research interests seek to integrate queer and trans studies scholarship within English education. A member of NCTE since 2015, he is currently a member of the Gender and Sexuality Equity Assembly. His most recent scholarship can be found in The ALAN Review, Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, English Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education. Please feel free to contact Josh at or on Twitter at @JoshEducating.

Autumn A. Griffin is a researcher of Black girlhoods, digital and multimodal literacies, and children’s and young adult literature. Having previously taught secondary English language arts in Atlanta, Georgia, her research explores how Black youth use literacies to heal from pedagogical and curricular violence. Autumn’s work has been published in the Journal of Language and Literacy Education, English Teaching: Practice & Critique, Urban Education, Research in the Teaching of English, Language Arts, and Multicultural Education. She is currently working on her second book. Autumn is also a 200-hour registered yoga teacher, and in her spare time, she teaches yoga and enjoys fusing it with Black feminist practices of healing to create sacred spaces for communities of Black folks.

Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, PhD, is associate professor and co-chair of the Joint Program in English and Education at the University of Michigan’s School of Education. A notable expert on diversity in children’s and young adult literature, she is the award-winning author of The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games (2019). Her most recent book is Harry Potter and the Other: Race, Justice, and Difference in the Wizarding World (2022), coedited with Sarah Park Dahlen.


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