Bruder MACK Granite UPS Logistics Truck with Forklift


The world of freight handling is a massive business filled with machines from small, such as motorized trollies, to big like the massive 747 airplanes! Join in on the action with the MACK Granite line of trucks that not only come as a UPS Logistics Truck, but many other packages. The interchangeable trailer hitch makes this possible and will broaden imagination to its fullest. UPS really does us the MACK Granite trucks for all types of industries and this is why it is so sought after. Reliability and durability is what these trucks bring to the industry. Warehouses require massive freight trucks like these to carry tons of product to and from them and when the product gets into the warehouse, the next phase of transport requires forklifts. These machines lift, stoop and haul loads all over warehouses everyday and do it so efficient & that is why this is the best option. These forklifts can piggy-back onto the UPS MACK Granite truck for even more versatility! There is nothing that the these trucks can’t do!


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